Consumer Loan Servicing · June 5, 2024

Taylor Wheeler

Taylor Wheeler

Taylor Wheeler joined Marine Credit Union as a loan officer in September 2019, just before the COVID-19 pandemic. She had previously worked in restaurant management but wanted to transition to a different industry due to the demanding schedule and lack of fulfillment. After the restaurant where she was working closed, she decided to pursue new opportunities at Marine.

Transitioning to work-from-home during the pandemic in March 2020 was initially challenging for Taylor, as she had just started feeling comfortable in the office culture at Marine. She realized that she was more introverted and found it easier to build connections with coworkers rather than members. This realization led her to seek a different role, and she eventually transitioned to Loan Processing, a role that aligned more with her personality.

Taylor had been interested in Loan Processing for a while and, with the help of a supportive manager in Kellee Hembree, was able to transition into the role in spring 2021. She found processing to be a natural fit for her and was able to progress quickly due to her go-getter attitude. With the support of her manager, Dana Holschuh, Taylor focused on advancing in her career and went back to school during the pandemic, obtaining her associate degree in accounting.

Taylor credits the success of her career progression to her supportive managers, Dana and Kellee, and the teamwork and refinement in her department. She also highlights the great opportunities and career growth she has experienced at Marine, including her important work contributing to improvements of the credit union’s Consumer Loan Experience (CLX).

Reflecting upon her life, Taylor says she was always inspired to do more and learn more. Taylor mentioned that she comes from a family of strong-willed, independent women, and that her grandmother was her “North Star.”

“She has always instilled in me that life is about choices, and you will get out of life what you put in,” said Taylor. Despite some personal challenges, Taylor’s grandma engrained in her the values of taking ownership and making sure that things get done, even when they were not her responsibility.

As part of her development at Marine, Taylor participated in Leadercast and found opportunities for job shadows to further her learning. She also emphasized the importance of educational content and the support of her mentor, Dana, in encouraging her to seek out new opportunities for growth.

“You can tell it’s really more about an overall investment in a person, rather than just what production they can bring to the table,” said Taylor. “This has been beneficial for me, especially, because I’m not someone who’s comfortable sitting around and waiting. I’m always looking to learn more, do more.”

Overall, Taylor’s journey has been shaped by her own determination and the guidance she received from her family and mentors, which led her to have more opportunities professionally and personally. She continues to be motivated by her desire to do more and learn more in her work and personal life.

Taylor moved to La Crosse for college and never left. She built a good community of friends and loves the area. “It’s important for me to be intentional about the connections I build and the people I surround myself with,” she says. “I value open-mindedness, kindness, humor, and a willingness to learn and change my opinions based on new information. I’ve created a great support system for myself, with friends who have similar values and are supporting each other’s personal and professional growth.”

Just before her thirtieth birthday, Taylor achieved another big life milestone in purchasing a home. In the future, Taylor sees herself continuing to work toward leadership and development. Her goals are to continue developing her leadership skills, get out of her comfort zone, and make improvements. “I believe in continuous improvement and doing better every day,” says Taylor. “It’s important to lean on each other and keep building each other up.”